The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Candidates selected for the Yukon Climate Leadership Council
Eleven candidates have been selected to form the territory’s first Yukon Climate Leadership Council.
Honouring the memory of Darius Elias with a community-based fish and wildlife work plan for the Vuntut Gwitchin Traditional Territory
A plan has been released that guides management priorities for fish, wildlife and habitat in the Vuntut Gwitchin Traditional Territory for the next five years
Yukoners asked to be aware of Grizzly bear in Ibex Valley
Yukoners asked to be on the lookout for Grizzly in Ibex Valley area.
The Government of Yukon releases new quartz mining guide to help protect water in the Yukon
The Government of Yukon releases guidelines to help with water management of quartz mining projects in the Yukon.
Wetlands policy out for final public review
The Government of Yukon is looking for feedback on a final draft of the wetlands policy.
Ban on single-use shopping bags coming to the Yukon
The first step to reducing single-use products in the territory. A ban on plastic shopping bags starts January 1, 2022.

United Way Breakfast tickets now available
The Government of Yukon will host the annual United Way Breakfast fundraiser on Friday, September 24 at Mount McIntyre Recreation Centre.
First annual Our Clean Future report highlights actions taken on climate change and energy in 2020
The first report highlights actions taken on climate change and energy in 2020 towards the goals set out in Our Clean Future.
Statement from Minister Clarke on the latest US intent to re-evaluate oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Minister Clarke has issued the following statement on the latest US intent to re-evaluate oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Candidates sought for Yukon Climate Leadership Council
The Yukon Climate Leadership Council will develop recommendations for how the Yukon can reach its 45 per cent greenhouse gas emission reduction target by 2030.