The Government of Yukon will host the annual United Way Breakfast fundraiser on Friday, September 24, at Mount McIntyre Recreation Centre from 7 to 10:30 a.m. To respect everyone's level of comfort with the current COVID-19 situation and to ensure appropriate public health measures, this year's event will be a drive-through take-away breakfast.
This year's theme "We are better together" encourages Yukoners to continue to show their support for local businesses and work together to protect one another. All funds raised from ticket sales, cash donations and the online auction will stay in the Yukon and go to support local charities and community organizations. The United Way Yukon has partnered with the Wandering Bison and Northern Vision Development to create a breakfast package for participants. Yukoners will enjoy a hot breakfast burrito made with local, high-quality ingredients.
Tickets cost $15 for adults, $10 for seniors and $5 for kids 12 years old and younger. Yukoners can purchase their tickets in advance at Yukoners are encouraged to order in groups to decrease the number of car trips needed and can submit their orders ahead. To reduce food wastage, all unsold breakfasts will be delivered to the Whitehorse Food Bank after the event.
Each year, a silent auction is held to help raise money at the breakfast. This year's auction will take place online and Yukoners will be able to bid on item over several days starting on the morning of the breakfast. Details are on the United Way Yukon website.
The United Way does transformative work in communities across the country, including here in the Yukon. I would like to encourage everyone to come out and enjoy the United Way Breakfast on September 24 and help support local charities and community groups across the Yukon. Many thanks to United Way for all the work they do in our communities and to the Wandering Bison and Northern Vision Development for partnering with us this year. This year’s event may look a little different, but shows that we can still find innovative ways to support one another and prove we are better together.
The United Way Yukon breakfast marks the beginning of the annual fall fundraising campaign. This breakfast fundraiser is about Yukoners helping one another and working together. We are proud of the fundraising efforts that go towards helping Yukon organizations serve our community. We thank the Government of Yukon team for organizing this wonderful fundraising event, this is what working together looks like!
The Government of Yukon organizes, sponsors and provides staff volunteers to run the United Way Breakfast in partnership with local businesses, media and other sponsors. The Department of Environment is the lead for this year's breakfast with support from next year's lead, the Department of Finance and the Executive Council Office.
Payment options will be available at the event on the morning of the breakfast. However, we strongly encourage buying tickets in advance to help support easy flow of traffic and physical distancing.
Last year's United Way Breakfast raised $36,359, for Yukon charities and community groups through ticket sales, donations and generous contributions to the silent auction.
Since 1994, the United Way Yukon has raised almost $3 million to assist local charities through a variety of fundraising activities. United Way Yukon's mission is to improve lives and build community by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action.
The Government of Yukon is providing 1,200 reusable bags for the event to encourage Yukoners to help reduce the waste created by single-use products.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Sophie Best
Communications, Environment
Jamie Boyd
Executive Director
United Way Yukon