First annual Our Clean Future report highlights actions taken on climate change and energy in 2020

The first annual report on progress implementing the climate change, energy and green economy commitments found in Our Clean Future is now available. The 2020 annual report tracks progress over the calendar year and highlights a path to reach the territory’s 2030 climate change goals.

The report details the most recent data on the Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy electricity generation and the progress towards key targets in Our Clean Future. It also includes additional information on the objectives of the strategy.

Annual reports on Our Clean Future will continue to be released to keep Yukoners informed on actions the Government of Yukon, Yukon First Nations governments and municipal partners are taking to meet the strategy’s targets and build a cleaner, more resilient future for Yukoners.

Our Clean Future is the first-ever Yukon-wide strategy to address the changing climate in our territory and find sustainable ways to protect our communities and transition to a more green economy. This first annual report highlights what we have achieved in a challenging year and the work that still needs to be done. All Yukoners have a stake in fighting climate change and Our Clean Future addresses the climate emergency we face. I look forward to our continued work together with our partners as we implement this important strategy.

Minister of Environment Nils Clarke

We have made progress on our climate actions by creating new Good Energy rebates for clean transportation, establishing the Yukon’s first-ever Youth Panel on Climate Change and increasing our capacity to prevent and respond to wildfires. Yukon First Nations governments, municipalities and all Yukoners recognize the urgency of the climate crisis. Continuing to work in partnership and taking bold actions will be needed to achieve the Yukon’s 2030 targets and shift the energy economy.  

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker

Climate change remains our biggest challenge as we continue making transformative investments together with Yukon First Nations governments, municipalities and community partners. Together we are growing the Yukon’s green economy and creating more economic and employment opportunities throughout the territory. It is exciting to see the work being done to lay a new foundation for a thriving and sustainable economy for all Yukoners.

Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai

Quick facts
  • Our Clean Future is a Yukon-wide strategy to address the climate emergency. It was developed in partnership with Yukon First Nations governments, transboundary Indigenous groups and Yukon municipalities. The annual report includes an update on actions led by Our Clean Future partners.

  • Of the 11 actions in Our Clean Future with a 2020 deadline, the Government of Yukon completed nine and two are in progress. The two remaining actions are expected to be completed by the end of 2021.

  • There were 58 zero-emission vehicles registered in the Yukon at the end of 2020 – twice as many as at the end of 2019.

  • The Government of Yukon supported 25 high-performance building retrofits and 15 smart electric heating system installations in 2020.

  • As of the end of 2020, air quality monitoring stations were installed in eight communities across the Yukon and geohazard maps were prepared for 11 Yukon communities. This will help us to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

  • The Government of Yukon now incorporates greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency when identifying and prioritizing building retrofits and new construction.

  • The Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, excluding emissions from the mining industry, were 18 per cent higher than 2010 levels. These emissions are expected to peak in 2020 and then start to decline as a result of the actions in Our Clean Future. Detailed reports on the Yukon and the Government of Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions are available on

  • The Government of Yukon has increased the Yukon’s greenhouse gas reduction target to 45 per cent by 2030. A Yukon Climate Leadership Council is being established to develop recommendations for how to reach this ambitious target.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Saskrita Shrestha
Communications, Environment

Brigitte Parker
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

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