Wetlands policy out for final public review

Working with partners across the Yukon, the Government of Yukon has a draft policy for the stewardship of the Yukon’s wetlands that is ready for final public review and feedback.

This high-level guidance policy will help make decisions that respect the importance of wetlands and the benefits they provide, as well as the need to ensure a diverse, growing economy. The policy recognises and provides a path to filling gaps in knowledge about northern wetlands, including inventory. The finalized policy will guide the Government of Yukon in evaluating proposed development projects when issuing permits, licences and authorizations. It will also inform land use decisions and protected area planning.  

The policy was created through a collaborative roundtable process involving over 50 partners including Yukon First Nations, transboundary Indigenous groups, relevant boards and councils, industry and environmental non-governmental organizations.

Wetlands are important to the Yukon because they are essential to maintaining water flows, flood protection, purifying water, recharging and discharging groundwater and are a habitat for fish and wildlife. Some wetlands support traditional subsistence and cultural activities, providing for harvesting and recreational opportunities.

Go to Public Engagements to learn more and find out how to participate. The survey closes November 4, 2021.

We are proud of the collaboration demonstrated by our partners in coming together to discuss how we will steward the Yukon’s wetlands. Their input shaped the draft policy and we look forward to feedback from Yukoners. Together, we can build a strong, consistent and united approach to wetland stewardship that reflects the values and interests of Yukoners now and for generations to come.

Minister of Environment Nils Clarke

We are eager to hear the thoughts of Yukoners on this draft of the first Yukon-wide wetlands policy. Working alongside over 50 partners and stakeholders, we believe the draft policy captures the importance of wetlands and provides the necessary guidance for managing activities in and around these vital natural areas.

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker

Quick facts
  • Following the public engagement, the Government of Yukon will share what was heard, make any needed updates to the policy draft and consult with First Nations governments.

  • The policy is expected to be approved by summer 2022.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Erin Loxam
Communications, Environment

Sue Thomas
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

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