The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Important information about the 2020 hunting season
Permit Hunt Authorization application dates and important hunting regulation changes for 2020–21 announced.
Parks and campgrounds opening delayed until June
Yukon territorial parks and campground opening and sale of camping permits postponed until June due to COVID-19. Decision will be reassessed in May.
Special guide licence application period delayed
Special guide licence lottery application period is being delayed and reassessed before June, but permit hunt authorization will continue as planned.
Government of Yukon launches online water well registry
Government of Yukon launches new, user-friendly water well registry.

Fortymile caribou herd hunting opportunity opening
Licensed harvest on Fortymile caribou to open for first time in Yukon since 1995.
Yukon Water Strategy final report presented in Carcross
The final report for the Yukon Water Strategy Action Plan highlights work done since 2014.

Feedback sought on draft climate change, energy and green economy strategy
Let us know what you think of Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy.

Grizzly bear conservation plan released
Conservation plan was developed in partnership with the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board.

Draft Yukon parks strategy open for comment
The Government of Yukon is asking for comments on a draft Yukon parks strategy.
Hunting season opens August 1
See results from the 2019 Permit Hunt Authorization lottery and learn about changes to this year’s hunting rules.