The Government of Yukon is delaying the application period for the special guide licence lottery until June. This decision is in response to concerns related to COVID-19 and travel restrictions across the country.
The feasibility of the special guide licence lottery will be reassessed in late May. The delay still provides the Department of Environment sufficient time to accept applications and run the lottery prior to hunting season opening in August.
The permit hunt authorization is expected carry on as planned this year. Applications will be open from April 23 to May 21, 2020.
Hunters are encouraged to visit for ongoing updates and to follow the advice from Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health regarding travel recommendations and restrictions as well as social distancing practices when planning their hunts.
Delaying the special guide licence lottery application period is the most responsible decision at this time. We will continue to keep Yukon hunters updated as the response to COVID-19 unfolds.
The special guide licence provides an opportunity for Yukon hunters to guide a non-Yukon resident Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
The application period was planned to open on April 1.
125 special guide licences are made available through a computerized weighted lottery process.
Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
Diana Dryburgh-Moraal
Communications, Environment