Important information about the 2020 hunting season

Please note that the subzones in this news release have been updated. 

As the 2020 hunting season approaches, hunters are encouraged to stay informed about important information and reminders as part of their preparations.

The Permit Hunt Authorization lottery application period will open on April 23. The deadline is May 21, 2020 at 4 p.m.

Changes to the Permit Hunt Authorization include the following.

  • Joint permit hunt authorization applications will now enter into the draw as the average of years applied for the two applicants.
  • The number of Takhini elk permits available will increase from two to four.
  • Successful applicants will be emailed before the end of June.
  • Successful applicants now have the option to return their permit online, through their Department of Environment eServices account.

Other hunting regulation changes in effect for the 2020–21 season include the following. 

  • Youth under 12 years of age no longer require the Hunter Education and Ethics Development (HEED) course for small game licences.
  • Subzones 7-13, 7-17, 7-20, 7-24 and 7-26 will be on permit for sheep hunting rather than having to select an individual subzone. Permits in the eastern portion of Game Management Zone 7 will be allocated by Sheep Management Units that reflect sheep populations and movements, which will provide sheep permit holders more flexibility.
  • A portion of game management subzone 5-21 will be closed permanently to sheep hunting. This closure helps to protect the Kluane National Park sheep population.

The Government of Yukon will reassess the feasibility of the Special Guide Licence in May. The application period is delayed due to travel restrictions in response to COVID-19.

Hunters are encouraged to follow the advice from Yukon's Chief Medical Officer of Health regarding travel recommendations and restrictions as well as physical distancing practices when planning their hunts. The most up-to-date information is available online at

We are committed to continually improving the permit hunt authorization to ensure a transparent and modern process. I am pleased we were able to make the weighting change to joint applications, which Yukoners supported during a public review in 2019. In light of the ongoing response to COVID-19, I encourage all hunters to take extra time to plan their hunts with physical distancing and the wishes of our communities in mind. Have a successful and enjoyable season on the land.

Minister of Environment Pauline Frost

Quick facts
  • The Permit Hunt Authorization (PHA) underwent a comprehensive review in 2019, which included a public survey, stakeholder meetings, and a third-party technical review of the data and systems.

  • In 2019 the Department of Environment received more than 4,700 applications for 223 PHA permits covering six species.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Diana Dryburgh-Moraal
Communications, Environment

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