Following a recommendation received from the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board, the Government of Yukon is opening a licensed harvest on Fortymile caribou herd from January 1 to March 31, 2020.
For 25 years, the Government of Yukon has worked together with Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board, the Dawson District Renewable Resources Council and the State of Alaska to recover the Fortymile caribou herd. The herd has grown from a population low of 6,500 to an estimated 84,000 caribou, which can now support a sustainable harvest that is in line with long-term conservation efforts.
A total of 225 permits will be available to eligible Yukon resident hunters. Permits can be obtained in person at any open Department of Environment office throughout the territory starting on December 31.
We are pleased to accept the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board recommendation to offer Fortymile caribou harvesting opportunities to licensed Yukon resident hunters. This follows 25 years of recovery efforts and we are committed to continuing our work with partners to monitor the herd and ensure healthy, sustainable populations into the future. We remind all hunters to show respect while hunting Fortymile caribou: share your harvest, don’t crowd other hunters and trappers, don’t pursue caribou on your snowmobile and always pack out what you pack in. I wish all hunters a safe and successful hunt.
The last licensed harvest on Fortymile caribou was in 1995.
To be eligible for one of the 225 permits, hunters must have a valid Yukon big game hunting licence and a caribou seal. Hunters who have already reached the bag limit for caribou this hunting season, April 1, 2019, to March 31, 2020, are not eligible.
Permits for the Fortymile caribou hunt will be valid for 10 days and will be issued at intervals. For example, January 1 to 10, January 11 to 20, and so on. Twenty-five permits will be available for each interval.
Hunters must report the results of their hunt. If successful, they must also submit the caribou’s incisor bar within 72 hours of the permit end date.
Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
Megan Foreman
Communications, Environment