The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Yukon Prospectors Hall of Fame celebrated with refurbished display
The Yukon Prospector’s Association Hall of Fame has been relocated to the Yukon College’s Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining.

Electric vehicle fast-chargers coming to Whitehorse and Carcross
Three new fast-chargers are part of project testing the range and efficiency of operating electric vehicles in the North’s cold climate.

Yukon First Nations tour biomass facilities in the North
The Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nations tour biomass facilities in the territory and Alaska to learn about technologies and systems that work

Agreement reached for the Yukon Resource Gateway Project
The Government of Yukon and Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation have signed an agreement for development of a new road that will enable mining traffic
Dawson Regional Land Use Planning Commission formed
Yukon and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in governments have formed the Dawson Regional Land Use Plan Commission.
Public engagement begins on regulatory approach to off-road vehicles
The Government of Yukon wants to hear from Yukoners about its proposed approach for regulating off-road vehicles in Yukon.
Government of Yukon attending Mineral Exploration Roundup
The Mineral Exploration Roundup in Vancouver is the world’s largest technical mineral exploration conference and brings together exploration companies
Government of Yukon’s Independent Power Production policy implemented
The Independent Power Production policy allows larger scale renewable energy generating projects to move forward.
Yukon ranked one of Canada’s top mineral exploration jurisdictions
Mineral exploration plays a key role in the long-term viability of Yukon’s mineral sector.
Scott and Jackie Dickson are Yukon’s 2018 Farmers of the Year
Meet Yukon’s 2018 Farmers of the Year!