Scott and Jackie Dickson are Yukon’s 2018 Farmers of the Year

Scott and Jackie Dickson have been nominated Yukon’s Farmers of the Year for 2018 by their fellow Yukon agricultural producers. Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Ranj Pillai presented the award to the Takhini River Road residents at the local food banquet held Saturday evening as part of the Yukon’s 31st annual North of 60 Agriculture Conference. 

In nominating Scott and Jackie Dickson as the Yukon’s Farmers of the Year for 2018, fellow Yukon producers told us of the love, care and attention Scott and Jackie show the livestock in their mixed cow-calf operation, the Takhini River Ranch. They have built a viable operation based on hard work, resourcefulness and dedication to neighbours and community. The growing Yukon agriculture industry is built on the passion, resourcefulness and care of farmers and ranchers such as Scott and Jackie.  

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Ranj Pillai

Quick facts
  • Scott and Jackie Dickson’s Takhini River Ranch is one of about 140 agricultural operations running in Yukon.

  • Takhini River Ranch is a mixed cow-calf beef operation that also includes laying hens, meat birds, hogs and sheep. Scott Dickson is also a certified butcher. 

  • Each year, the Government of Yukon highlights a farm family, farmer, or farm advocate who has made an outstanding contribution to Yukon. Recipients are nominated by their peers for their commitment to, and passion for, local farming. 

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Rod Jacob
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

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