Government of Yukon attending Mineral Exploration Roundup

Premier Sandy Silver and Energy, Mines and Resources Minister Ranj Pillai are in Vancouver this week to promote the Yukon’s mineral resources at the annual Mineral Exploration Roundup. The Premier and Minister will hold a number of meetings while at the conference to highlight Yukon’s mineral potential while supporting responsible resource development and sound environmental management in the mineral sector.

During Roundup, geologists from the Yukon Geological Survey will present the results of their fieldwork to the mining and investment community. Government of Yukon officials will also introduce exploration and mining companies and potential clients to the many mineral development opportunities in the territory.


"Our participation at the Roundup conference is an ideal opportunity to attract investment and increase interest in Yukon’s mineral potential, which helps strengthen and diversify our economy. The mineral sector provides employment opportunities in Yukon communities, and makes investments in skills training, social programs and health care services that enhance the quality of life for all Yukoners."

Premier Sandy Silver

"We are excited to be attending Roundup to share the Yukon story after a strong year that saw the territory re-establish itself as a preeminent jurisdiction for mineral investment. In 2018, the total value of exploration and development spending was over half a billion dollars and production exceeded $175 million. With production beginning at the Eagle Gold mine in 2019, we are looking forward to an exciting year ahead."

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Ranj Pillai

Notre participation au Forum est l’occasion parfaite pour attirer des investisseurs et augmenter l’intérêt pour le potentiel minier du Yukon, ce qui contribue à renforcer et diversifier notre économie. Le secteur minier stimule la création d’emplois dans les collectivités yukonnaises et permet d’investir dans la formation, les programmes sociaux et les services en santé qui améliorent la qualité de vie de tous les Yukonnais. 

M. Sandy Silver, premier ministre

Nous sommes heureux de participer au Forum dans le but de partager l’histoire du Yukon qui, à la suite de cette année fructueuse, a réussi à regagner sa prééminence dans l’investissement minier. En 2018, les dépenses totales d’exploration et d’aménagement s’élevaient à un demi-milliard de dollars, le coût de la production minière excédant les 175 millions $. Grâce à la nouvelle production de la mine Eagle Gold en 2019, nous prévoyons une année très intéressante. 

M. Ranj Pillai, ministre de l’Énergie, des Mines et des Ressources

Quick facts
  • The Mineral Exploration Roundup hosted by Association for Mineral Exploration BC is the world’s largest technical mineral exploration conference bringing together exploration companies, geologists, governments and interested investors.

  • Over 5,000 people attend the Roundup from all aspects of the global mineral exploration and mining sector.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Sue Thomas
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

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