The Government of Yukon is installing Level 3 electric vehicle fast-chargers in Whitehorse and Carcross to help study how electric vehicles operate in a cold climate. Data will be gathered to better understand how travel range and efficiencies of electric vehicles vary throughout the year.
The three fast-chargers will be installed in summer 2019 at the Visitor Information Centre and the NorthLight Innovation building in Whitehorse and the Carcross/Tagish First Nation Learning Centre in Carcross.
The Government of Canada and the Government of Yukon provided a total of $368,250 in funding for the three-year study. Project partners include Carcross/Tagish First Nation, Yukonstruct, Northern Vision Development, Yukon College’s Cold Climate Innovation and ATCO Electric Yukon.
Yukoners want real-world applications for today’s problems! These new electric vehicle chargers will provide key information as to how electric vehicles function in cold climates. Strategic investments such as these make it easier and more affordable for Yukoners to choose zero-emission vehicles for Yukon roads —improving air quality and cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
– Member of Parliament for Yukon Larry Bagnell
This electric vehicle study is the first of its kind in the North. Adding three new fast-charging stations will encourage and support the use of electric vehicles in our northern climate while helping to address a growing demand. We hope this is the starting point for developing a territory-wide electrified transportation network that makes using electric vehicles a viable option for Yukoners. We thank our partners for supporting innovation and the implementation of new technologies in Yukon.
– Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Ranj Pillai
We are happy to be part of this study and looking at future development for this initiative. The Learning Centre in Carcross is a great location for these fast-chargers and hopefully, there will be more communities in the Yukon opting for green energy solutions so Yukoners can enjoy electric vehicles.
– Deputy Haa Shaa du Hen of Carcross/Tagish First Nation Maria Benoit
We are excited about partnering with NRCan and Government of Yukon’s Energy Branch to bring an EV charging station into our backyard at NorthLight Innovation. Partnerships like this enable us to continue to champion sustainable technologies and their innovative implementations in Yukon.
– Manager at Yukon College’s Cold Climate Innovation Lauren Manekin Beille
NVD is delighted to be involved in an initiative that will help make use of electric cars in Whitehorse more convenient. We are happy to be a partner on this project with the Yukon government and Yukonstruct which will see this facility offered on our lands beside the NorthLight Innovation.”
– CEO of Northern Vision Development (NDV LP) Rich Thompson
Natural Resources Canada’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration program invested $212,000 with the Government of Yukon adding $156,250 in funding.
There are existing Level 2 conventional chargers for electric vehicles available for public use at the Transportation Museum, the Yukon government’s Main Administrative Building and Mount Lorne waste management facility (with limited hours of availability).
The different types of charging stations are: Level 1 is a common household outlet (120 volts) and charges a vehicle overnight; Level 2 is similar to a household outlet for ranges or clothes dryers (240 volts) and charges a vehicle in a few hours; and Level 3 charges a vehicle in 30 minutes (480 volts).
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Brigitte Parker
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources
Alexandre Deslongchamps
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of Natural Resources
Media Relations
Natural Resources Canada