The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
10 projects receive Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust funds
Projects funded are working to address root causes of crime in Yukon and provide support and services to those who have been a victim of crime.
Feedback sought on proposed amendments to Wills Act
Engagement on the Wills Act is being sought from November 4 to December 23, 2019.
New Technical Amendments Act tabled
Proposed amendments to three current laws would align with court decisions and recent federal legislation changes.
Amendments to Corrections Act tabled
The proposed Corrections Act amendments focus on the use of segregation and restrictive confinement.
Council of Yukon First Nations takes over administration of Gladue Report Writing Pilot Project
Council of Yukon First Nations takes over Gladue Report Writing Pilot Project from Yukon Legal Services Society.
Yukoners receive Community Safety Awards
Yukoners were recognized for their efforts to prevent crime and foster community safety at the annual Minister of Justice Community Safety Awards.
Nineteen projects receive Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust funds
Projects funded are working to address root causes of crime in Yukon and provide support and services to those who have been a victim of crime.
Yukon’s policing priorities set for 2019–20
2019–20 Policing Priorities put people first to keep Yukoners’ safe.
Draft Condominium Regulations released for extended consultation
Owners and developers of condominiums asked to see the current draft regulations as they are used frequently by these groups.
Feedback sought on proposed condominium regulations
Condominium regulatory framework will outline the rights and responsibilities of developers, condominium corporations and unit owners.