Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee has identified five policing priorities for 2019–20 for the Yukon RCMP. These priorities focus on creating the foundation for effective policing, addressing violence against women, responding to serious and organized crime, and fostering meaningful relationships with First Nations, communities and youth.
The territorial policing priorities for 2019–20 are to:
- Create the foundation for effective policing in Yukon;
- Enhance prevention, investigation and enforcement activities related to violence against women;
- Proactively respond to serious and organized crime;
- Engage with and support children and youth; and
- Foster meaningful relationships within First Nations and throughout the communities.
Each year the Yukon Police Council meets with Yukoners about their needs, concerns and policing priorities. This unique process helps build the foundation for effective policing throughout the territory. Yukon’s RCMP serves us all with dedication and professionalism and our government is proud to work with them to keep Yukoners safe.
This year’s policing priorities focus on more than keeping Yukoners safe and secure. They are about putting people first, being kind, building trust, and being consistent in providing the best policing service we can to the communities we serve. Across this territory, our employees are already doing great work. As we continue to build on their efforts, the “way of being” identified in the first priority will remain at the heart of our organization.
Yukon’s annual policing priorities are set by the Minister of Justice and are based on recommendations provided by the Yukon Police Council, along with analysis of emerging policing and community safety issues by the Department of Justice.
Yukon’s Policing Priorities for 2019–20
Priority 1 – Create the foundation for effective policing in Yukon
This priority encompasses a total policing philosophy as it lays the foundation for the other four priorities. It is meant to be an overarching principle to guide and direct core policing functions and behaviours. The primary objectives include the following.
- RCMP members are visible and approachable to the public.
- Foster public trust in the RCMP by enriching the public’s understanding of policing in Yukon.
- Collaboration with partner agencies and First Nations results in meaningful engagement focused on the needs of all Yukoners.
- A trauma-informed focus supports unbiased, respectful and culturally sensitive/aware policing responses.
- The RCMP continue to train members to ensure a compassionate, respectful and appropriate response to all situations, with specific focus on sexualized assault, domestic violence and sexual exploitation.
- Efforts are made to recruit police officers who are a good fit for each community.
- As police are exposed to some of the most challenging and traumatic events through the course of their work, support and focus on self-care and mental health is essential for all members of the RCMP.
Priority 2 – Enhance prevention, investigation and enforcement activities related to violence against women
- The investigative response to all cases of sexualized assault and violence is empathetic, compassionate and carried out to a high standard.
- The Specialized Response Unit will continue to support, provide advice and lead investigations where appropriate while working collaboratively with other agencies.
- Supporting the development and effective implementation of the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART).
Priority 3 – Proactively respond to serious and organized crime
- Respond to emerging crime trends through proactive and intelligence-led policing.
- Drug investigations and enforcement are focused on all levels of the drug trade throughout the territory.
- Continue to focus on enhancing the response to and investigations of violent crimes in the territory connected with the drug trade and criminal groups.
- The Historical Case Unit will investigate the unsolved homicides in Yukon.
Priority 4 – Engage with and support children and youth
- Build trusting relationships with children and youth in collaboration with other service providers.
- Enhance community policing presence, engagement and programming within the education system.
- Work collaboratively with partners to recognize and work with at-risk youth who may be vulnerable to the influence of the drug trade and other serious crime.
Priority 5 – Foster meaningful relationships within First Nations and throughout the communities
- Lines of communication between the First Nations, communities and the Yukon RCMP continue to be strengthened.
- Constructive dialogue and relationship building remains a priority of all detachments.
- Local orientation of new police officers is consistently carried out in close coordination with First Nations, community leaders and other stakeholders.
- Creation of Community Tripartite Agreements and Letter of Expectations for First Nations Communities.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Thibaut Rondel
Communications, Justice