The Government of Yukon is releasing draft regulations for the Condominium Act and extending the consultation period until March 1, 2019.
Originally, the consultation period was to run from November 27, 2018, to January 25, 2019 using detailed consultation documents. During the first month of the consultation and at the initial meeting members of the public asked to see the current draft regulations themselves and asked for an extension of the consultation to review the draft regulations.
The first consultation meeting on January 10 was very well attended and meetings have been held with individual stakeholders since that time. A further public meeting is scheduled on January 23rd with more meetings being scheduled to brief specific stakeholder groups and receive their feedback during the extended consultation. The January 23rd session is being held in the Whitehorse Public Library meeting room from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Yukoners can also provide feedback by way of an online survey on or by mail.
Our government is looking to modernize condominium legislation to support the growing condominium sector in the Yukon. Regulations are being designed to ensure best practices and responsible development and governance of condominium corporations. Condominium developers and owners will use the proposed regulations frequently in their business and in the operation of their condominium corporations and having their feedback is essential.
Draft regulations and key explanatory documents and information related to the engagement are available on
Regulations are being developed to bring the Condominium Act, 2015, into force. This is a key component of the Land Titles Modernization Project, which is updating Yukon’s land titles regime with contemporary land and property development best practices.
There are 258 condominium corporations in Yukon, mostly in the Whitehorse area, with about 2000 individual units.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Dan Cable
Director of Policy and Communications, Justice