Feedback sought on proposed amendments to Wills Act

The Government of Yukon is inviting input on proposed amendments to the Wills Act. An online survey regarding the modernization of this Act is available on EngageYukon until December 23, 2019.

The following amendments to the Act are being considered:

  • revise the formal requirements of wills to align with legislation in other Canadian jurisdictions;
  • add provisions related to common law spouses, divorce and separation;
  • enable courts to correct errors and save failed gifts when there is sufficient evidence that doing so would follow the testator’s intentions;
  • continue to accept handwritten wills; and
  • enable a registry of wills to be created.

The feedback received will help determine if these changes should be made and how they should be implemented.

We invite and encourage all Yukoners to provide their comments during this engagement. Updating the Wills Act is important to reflect the needs of modern society and to keep pace with changes to legislation in other Canadian jurisdictions.

Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee

Quick facts
  • The Wills Act has not been amended since it came into force in 1954.

  • At the conclusion of this public engagement we will share what we learned in a What We Heard report in late January 2020. The report will incorporate feedback received during the public engagement. 

Media contact

Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications

Fiona Azizaj
Communications, Justice

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