The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Government of Yukon tables Technical Amendments Act (No. 2), 2018
Proposed amendments would update and clarify the Human Rights Act and the Territorial Court Act.
Modernized Coroners Act tabled in the Legislative Assembly
Bill clarifies the duties of coroners and updates the 60-year old existing legislation.
Corrections branch takes over provost services from RCMP
Corrections Officers will provide provost services in Whitehorse as of October 1.
Government of Yukon and RCMP announce policing infrastructure plans
New capital plan approves building of new detachment in Carcross and building renovations in Ross River and Faro.
Implementation working group formed to advance Whitehorse Correctional Centre inspection recommendations
Core members of the implementation working group created in response to the Whitehorse Correctional Centre inspection report are announced.
Whitehorse Correctional Centre inspection report released, next steps announced
Department of Justice announces next steps in response to David Loukidelis’ final Whitehorse Correctional Centre inspection report.
Eight projects receive Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust funds
Projects funded are reaching youth and providing opportunities to form relationships, build life skills and encourage healthy lifestyles.
Yukon’s policing priorities set for 2018–19
The policing priorities include addressing violence against women and building stronger relationships with First Nations, communities and youth.
Public input sought for update of Coroners Act
The Government of Yukon wants to modernize the existing Coroners Act and it needs your input.
Family Mediation pilot project comes to Yukon
New, free mediation service available to divorcing or separating Yukoners can help them resolve parenting and financial issues without going to court.