Whitehorse Correctional Centre inspection report released, next steps announced

The final report of the independent inspection of the Whitehorse Correctional Centre (WCC) was released today.

The report by Mr. David Loukidelis includes 40 recommendations to improve the delivery of programs and services at the correctional centre and better serve inmates who have mental wellness needs.

The Government of Yukon continues to review the final report and has undertaken preliminary work to implement its recommendations. An implementation working group is being formed with representation from First Nations governments and justice system partners that will provide the insight required to ensure the recommendations are acted on in a collaborative and meaningful way.

We are committed to improving the Whitehorse Correctional Centre with a focus on mental health and addiction treatment services. Mr. Loukidelis conducted a thorough inspection of our service delivery model and engaged extensively with stakeholders and Yukon First Nations. His final report and recommendations have provided us with valuable guidance as we work with our partners to grow confidence in the correctional centre’s operations and enhance the administration of justice in the territory.

Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee

I welcome the Yukon government’s commitment to improving outcomes for WCC clients who struggle with addictions and mental wellness challenges. Helping them improve their lives is the right thing to do, and will help Yukon’s communities. I urge government to stay the course, to work collaboratively with First Nations governments and partners, and to bring about meaningful change as soon as possible.

David Loukidelis, Queen’s Counsel

Quick facts
  • Minister of Justice called for an inspection at the Whitehorse Correctional Centre in September 2017, under Section 36 of the Yukon Corrections Act, 2009, to identify areas where the government can improve policies and practices that may have an impact upon the mental health of inmates, including those related to placement, treatment and available programs. 

  • The inspector, David Loukidelis, presented his final report to the Deputy Minister of Justice on May 15, 2018, after examining the facility, conducting interviews with First Nations and community members, and accessing information and records he deemed essential for a thorough and meaningful inspection.  

  • The final inspection report provides recommendations that fall broadly within four areas: mental health services, segregation and separate confinement practices, First Nations programming and services, and governance and administration. 

  • The Deputy Minister of Justice has written a letter to the Minister of Justice outlining the department’s plans and next steps in response to the inspection report. 

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Megan Foreman
Communications, Justice

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