Implementation working group formed to advance Whitehorse Correctional Centre inspection recommendations

The Government of Yukon has confirmed key members of the implementation working group that will support and provide input on how to fulfil the Whitehorse Correctional Centre inspection report recommendations.

The implementation working group will be chaired by Assistant Deputy Minister of Justice Allan Lucier. The group will include core representation from senior officials in the departments of Justice and Health and Social Services, the Investigations and Standards Office, the Council of Yukon First Nations and the Kwanlin Dün First Nation.

Additional representation from Yukon First Nations governments is anticipated but not yet confirmed. Local experts, statutory bodies and groups will also be invited to support and provide advice to the implementation working group on issue-specific recommendations.

The implementation working group will have its first meeting in September to develop a work plan, including timelines for publicly reporting progress. The group will use the Matrix of Report Recommendations and Responses document prepared by the Department of Justice as a foundation to identify implementation priorities and advance discussions with partners in areas where work is underway.  

Our government accepts the recommendations from David Loukidelis set out in the Whitehorse Correctional Centre inspection report. In order to implement them effectively and in ways that are meaningful for Yukoners, we need to work with First Nations governments and community justice partners. I am confident that the implementation working group will find the best solutions and responses to the recommendations as we work to improve the programs and services at the Whitehorse Correctional Centre.

Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee

Chairing the implementation working group comes with great responsibility and I look forward to advancing the recommendations outlined in the Whitehorse Correctional Centre inspection report with the support and insight of the implementation working group. I have full confidence that by working together we will find solutions that will improve how we manage and support clients at the correctional centre as well as in our communities.

Assistant Deputy Minister and Implementation Working Group Chair Allan Lucier

Quick facts
  • The Minister of Justice called for an inspection at the Whitehorse Correctional Centre in September 2017, under Section 36 of the Yukon Corrections Act, 2009, to identify areas where the government can improve policies and practices that may have an impact upon the mental health of inmates, including those related to placement, treatment and available programs.

  • The inspector, David Loukidelis, presented 40 recommendations in the final inspection report. The recommendations fall broadly within four areas: mental health services, segregation and separate confinement practices, First Nations programming and services, and governance and administration.

  • The Government of Yukon accepted the intent of the 40 recommendations under the assumption that an implementation working group would advance further consideration and implementation plans with balanced representation from First Nations governments and community justice partners.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Megan Foreman
Communications, Justice

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