The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Canadian Paediatric Society emphasizes the importance of COVID-19 vaccines for children and youth
The Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) position statement confirms the safety of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for children and adolescents.
More public health measures to be eased in the Yukon
Effective March 4, 2022, most public health measures in the Yukon will be eased.
COVID-19 outbreak ends at Thomson Centre long-term care home
Outbreak at Thomson Centre long-term care home has ended.
Upgrades to the elevator at Whitehorse’s Financial Plaza to begin
The elevator at the 204 Lambert Street Financial Plaza in Whitehorse will be out of service for approximately five weeks while the upgrades are completed. Yukoners will still be ab
New COVID-19 dashboard provides Yukoners with more data
The Yukon government has released a new dashboard that will provide Yukoners with COVID-19 related data.
Public health measures continue to ease in the Yukon
Effective February 18, public health measures will ease for indoor organized events, bars, restaurants and more.
Cultural Connections Project launched to support Yukon First Nations children in care
With the launch of the Cultural Connections Project, supports will be provided to connect all children in out-of-home care with their own cultures and communities.
Mental Wellness Summit sparks momentum for real change
The first phase of the Mental Wellness Summit provided Yukoners with the opportunity to learn about different mental wellness and harm reduction topics.
Carcross and Teslin health centres temporarily offer emergency-only services
Health centres in Carcross and Teslin will temporarily offer emergency service only. Regular service will resume Monday, February 21, 2022. Centers.
COVID-19 at-home rapid testing distribution expands in Whitehorse
COVID-19 at-home rapid tests are now available to all Yukoners and a new distribution location will open downtown Whitehorse