Public health measures continue to ease in the Yukon

The Government of Yukon is moving forward on the recommendations of the Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health to ease additional public health measures. 

Effective February 18, 2022, the following changes to the public health measures will take effect:

  • Proof of vaccination in designated settings is only required for people 19 years of age and older. 
  • Indoor faith-based and cultural gatherings will be limited to 50 per cent capacity with no requirement for proof of vaccination.
  • Bars and restaurants can return to normal hours of operation. 
  • Indoor organized events will increase to 50 per cent of venue capacity. If food is served, restaurant rules also apply.
  • Indoor sports events team sports, group fitness, group recreation and group non-active leisure activities can operate at 50 per cent capacity. 
  • Movie theatres, museums, art galleries can operate at 50 per cent capacity.
  • Casinos and nightclubs may reopen, following the same requirements as bars and restaurants. 
  • Public saunas, hot springs, hot pools, steam rooms or baths may reopen at 50 per cent capacity.
  • Personal services may be offered with no venue capacity limits.

The following public health measures have not changed and remain in effect:

  • Mandatory masking continues to be in effect in all indoor public settings, schools, vehicles with people from more than one household and outdoor public settings where two metres of physical distancing cannot be maintained. 
  • Stores, banks and public libraries are limited to 50 per cent venue capacity; proof of vaccination is not required.
  • Indoor personal gatherings are limited to 10 people with no restriction on the number of households.
  • Outdoor organized events and gatherings are limited to 50 people.
  • Outdoor personal gatherings are limited to 25 people with no restriction on the number of households.

Yukoners are strongly encouraged to continue practising the Safe 6 plus 1 at all times.

Vaccination remains to be the best protection against COVID-19. All eligible Yukoners are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated and receive a booster shot as soon as possible. Appointments can be booked online at Booking an appointment is strongly recommended. Walk-ins will be accommodated when possible.

The Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health will continue to actively assess the risk levels in the territory associated with COVID-19 transmission and adjust recommendations as necessary.

As we cautiously move past the peak of the Omicron wave, we are in a position to loosen additional public health measures in the territory. I want to thank Yukoners, businesses and organizations for following public health measures and helping prevent the spread of COVID-19. We are getting to a better place thanks to your diligence. We continue to work closely with the acting Chief Medical Officer of Health to ensure we are protecting the health and safety of all Yukoners. As the situation improves, we look forward to easing more public health measures and supporting Yukoners along the path to recovery.

Premier Sandy Silver

We are now over the peak of this wave and case activity is declining.  Thank you all for doing what it takes to get to this place.  We continue to have widespread community transmission and so it remains important to stay home when sick, practice the safe 6 +1 and to get vaccinated.  These are the ways that we can reduce transmission and enjoy the things that keep us all healthy. Yukoners, we have shown what we can do together and I am optimistic that our efforts will lead to a healthy spring.

acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Samantha Henney
Communications, Health and Social Services


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