Upgrades to the elevator at Whitehorse’s Financial Plaza to begin

TK Elevator will be upgrading the elevator at the 204 Lambert Street Financial Plaza in Whitehorse, beginning Monday February 21, 2022. The elevator will be out of service for approximately five weeks while the upgrades are completed. Clients of Insured Health Services will still be able to access the fourth floor by the stairs while the elevator is being upgraded.

Clients who are unable to use the stairs can contact 867-667-5209 from the lobby and branch staff will support program delivery for these clients. A secure drop box is also located in the lobby of the Financial Plaza for clients to drop off forms or documents for programs delivered through Insured Health and Vital Statistics.

Insured Health Services delivers programs such as registration for health care benefits,  physician and hospital claims, pharmacare and extended benefits, chronic disease and disability benefit program, children’s drug and optical program,  travel for medical treatment program, proof of vaccine certification and vital statistics.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Dana Clark-Moore
Communications, Health and Social Services

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