The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Joint statement from Minister of Health and Social Services and the acting Chief Medical Officer of Health on the National Day of Observance for COVID-19
Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee and acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott have issued the following joint statement on the National Day
Twenty-third Yukon resident dies of COVID-19
The Yukon confirms the death of another Yukon citizen from COVID-19. This brings the total to 23 since the start of the pandemic.
Private seniors residence to pursue Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities Canada accreditation
Normandy Living, the Yukon’s first private seniors residence, will pursue accreditation with a nationally recognized organization.
Act to Amend the Child and Family Services Act tabled
These amendments focus on the over-representation of Yukon First Nations children in care, and work to embed the importance of culture and community throughout the Child and Family
COVID-19 public health measures continue to ease
The Government of Yukon will be lifting all COVID-19 public health measures in the coming weeks
Total deaths due to COVID-19 rises to 22
The Yukon confirms the deaths of another Yukon citizen from COVID-19. This brings the total to 22 since the start of the pandemic.
The total deaths due to COVID-19 rises to 21
The Yukon confirms the death of another Yukon citizen from COVID-19. This brings the total to 21 since the start of the pandemic.
New hours of service at the COVID-19 Testing and Assessment Centre
COVID-19 Testing and Assessment Centre’s will now be open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.