Joint statement from Minister of Health and Social Services and the acting Chief Medical Officer of Health on the National Day of Observance for COVID-19

Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee and acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott have issued the following the following statement:

“Today, marks the National Day of Observance for COVID-19. A day to observe all that has been lost, all that has been missed and a day to pay tribute to all that has been sacrificed.

“It’s difficult to believe that we have lived through the COVID-19 pandemic for two years now. For two whole years we have missed weddings, birthdays, funerals, graduations and family reunions. There were days of school missed, sports events and activities were cancelled, grandparents that couldn’t be seen and hugs that couldn’t be given. Tragically, we also lost 23 Yukoners who were our friends, our family and treasured community members to COVID-19. 

“But through it all, Yukoners have remained resilient. They have strived to keep each other safe and because of their diligence, the Yukon government has been able to reduce public health measures in the territory.

“Our health care and front line workers have worked tirelessly to make sure Yukoners have access to the services, vaccines and care we need. They continue to demonstrate strong and consistent leadership, flexibility, patience and compassion.

“Businesses and organizations have responded to the rapidly changing situation by evolving and pivoting their operations. They have worked hard to keep their establishments safe, their staff employed and their doors open to Yukoners. 

“Yukoners have rallied together and found creative ways to support one another and their communities. They have welcomed health care workers with roads lined with ice candles, they have dropped off groceries for friends or family who can’t get out to shop for themselves and have reached out to people who may feel isolated or alone to let them know they are loved and cared for.  

“Thank you to everyone who continues to do their part. As we see brighter days ahead. We know we will come out stronger and with a renewed commitment to each other, our communities and our great territory.

“Thank you to each and every one of you as you observe this day.”

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Carleen Kerr
Communications, Health and Social Services


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