Handy Bus to operate seven days a week

The City of Whitehorse’s Handy Bus service is now available to Yukoners seven days a week.

The Handy Bus provides accessible and safe transportation to people who are unable to use standard transit services. People can book their trip in advance for this scheduled service by calling 867-668-8394.

To increase Handy Bus service to seven days a week in Whitehorse, the Government of Yukon increased the value of its agreement with the City to $247,700 for 2022.

Support for the Handy Bus service achieves one of the goals set out in the Aging in Place Action Plan, which recommends access to a range of transportation options for Yukon seniors. 

The Handy Bus plays an important role in getting Yukoners around the city in an accessible, safe and timely way. By expanding transit services in Whitehorse, we are in turn helping Yukoners get to the places they need to, at an affordable price. Public transit services not only provide people with a way to get from Point A to Point B, but also contribute to healthier communities, a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and create jobs for Yukoners. 

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee

On behalf of City Council, I am pleased to see this on-demand transportation service finally available seven days a week to our residents. It’s important for everyone to be able to get around on Sunday, without exception, and we thank the Government of Yukon for its support in making this a reality.

Mayor of the City of Whitehorse Laura Cabott 

Quick facts
  • From Monday to Friday, Handy Bus service is available from 6:35 a.m. to 10 p.m.

  • On Saturdays and Sundays, service is provided to Yukoners who have made bookings prior to 4:30 p.m. on Friday. Service is available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

  • Yukoners can call 867-668-8394 for more information.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Carleen Kerr
Director of Communications, Health and Social Services


Myles Dolphin
Manager, Strategic Communications
City of Whitehorse


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