The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Yukon’s permit hunt lottery review underway
Help improve Yukon’s permit hunt lottery by completing the online survey.
New electric vehicle charging station added to growing network
Fuelling alternatives – it’s getting easier to go electric in Yukon.
Protecting our wild sheep from disease
New rules will help protect wild sheep and goats from a potentially devastating respiratory disease that can be carried by domestic animals.
Seeking input for climate change, energy and green economy strategy
The government wants to hear Yukoners’ ideas on how to address climate change, meet energy needs and build a green economy.
Help set Yukon standards for animal care
The Government of Yukon wants to ensure communities are safe and that animals have proper care.
Draft grizzly bear conservation plan released
Government of Yukon and Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board release draft of first territory-wide conservation plan for grizzly bears in Yukon.
2018–19 hunting season in Ross River area
Hunters are reminded to be safe, responsible and respectful when heading out for harvest season.
2018–19 Permit Hunt will go ahead, despite errors found in redraw
Given that the hunting season starts on August 1, and hunters need time to plan and prepare, a further redraw will not take place.
Air quality testing to continue in Yukon
A new study shows Yukon still has some of the best air quality in the world, but the territory can always improve.

Recycling surcharges come into effect October 1
Recycling surcharges will reduce waste in Yukon's landfill, increase the re-use of resources and help keep the environment clean.