2018–19 hunting season in Ross River area

The Government of Yukon wants to ensure hunters are safe, respectful and clear about their legal obligations while hunting in the Ross River area this season. 

The Department of Environment and Minister Pauline Frost are working closely with the Ross River Dena Council and Chief Jack Caesar to ensure a collaborative approach and understanding of hunting, fish and wildlife concerns in the Ross River area, as well as long-term solutions to protect habitat areas and jointly manage the impact of harvesting activities.

This hunting season, licensed hunters are reminded of their legal obligations under the laws of general application. Details about these laws, including season dates, game management zone areas and other hunters’ responsibilities, can be found in the annual Hunting Regulations Summary booklet. The booklet is available online or at Environment offices.

The Government of Yukon is aware of the Ross River Dena Council’s concerns in the area and shares the overall goal of managing harvest sustainably for subsistence harvest today, as well as sustainable harvest for future generations. The Department of Environment has agreed to cancel this year’s permit hunt authorizations for Finlayson caribou, and will directly contact hunters who were drawn for those permits.

All hunters should remember that no matter where they are in Yukon, they are in First Nation or Inuvialuit Traditional Territory. Aboriginal harvesters have been utilizing the land for generations. Conservation and cooperation should be foremost in harvesters’ minds when out on the land.  Hunters are reminded to take only what they need, be respectful of the land and other hunters, use all that they take and have a safe and responsible season.

I was pleased to visit Ross River to hear directly from the Chief, Elders and community members on their concerns with hunting in the Ross River area. Sustainability and preservation of fish and wildlife for future generations is a goal for both of our governments. Our government will be working more closely with Ross River Dena Council to address hunting, fish and wildlife management and habitat protection. I look forward to making progress on these issues with Ross River Dena Council and strengthening our government-to-government relationship.

Minister of Environment Pauline Frost

Quick facts
  • The laws of general application continue to apply in the Ross River area. Details about these laws, including season dates, game management zone areas and other hunters’ responsibilities can be found in the annual Hunting Regulations Summary booklet, available online or at your nearest Environment office.

  • Permit Hunt Authorizations for Finalyson Caribou will not be issued this year. Successful applicants will be contacted directly by the Department of Environment to discuss compensation.

  • All hunters planning to hunt in the Ross River area are encouraged to voluntarily comply with Ross River Dena Council’s requests for a shorter moose and caribou season, and reduced hunting pressures in specific areas. If hunters have questions, they can contact Ross River Dena Council.

  • All hunters should be safe, respectful and responsible while on the land: take only what you need, use all that you take, be respectful of the land and of other hunters.

  • Outfitters and backcountry operators in the area will be contacted with more information pertaining to their activities in the Ross River area.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Roxanne Stasyszyn
Communications, Environment

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