The Government of Yukon, Yukon First Nations, transboundary Indigenous groups and local municipalities are collaborating to engage the public on the development of a new approach to climate change, energy and green economy.
The groups want to find out what is important to Yukoners when it comes to meeting energy needs and sustaining a strong, green economy while also addressing climate change.
The territory-wide strategy will provide a comprehensive framework for making our communities more resilient, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and planning for Yukon’s energy needs and economic future.
Yukoners and individuals from transboundary Indigenous groups are invited to provide their input by reading a discussion document and participating at community meetings or completing the online survey.
In collaboration with participating Indigenous and municipal governments and organizations, the Government of Yukon will use the input received from this initial engagement along with expert knowledge to develop a draft strategy for public review.
The plan is to release the final strategy in late 2019.
Meeting our energy needs and sustaining a strong economy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing the impacts of climate change is a challenge that affects all Yukoners. By working together we can create a roadmap for building resilient communities and low carbon economies.
Minister of Environment Pauline Frost
We need a plan that reflects the needs of Yukoners, including Yukon communities, businesses and all levels of government in the territory. Together, we will build a path towards a sustainable, environmentally responsible and prosperous future that benefits all Yukoners.
Minister of Economic Development and Energy, Mines and Resources Ranj Pillai
I strongly encourage residents from all our communities to lend their voices to the strategy to ensure it is indeed a Yukon strategy. Municipal governments have been involved so far, but the voices of individuals are critical to the success of the strategy.
Association of Yukon Communities President Tara Wheeler
The City of Whitehorse looks forward to participating in the strategy, and encourages citizens of our city and the entire Yukon to consider the important topics of energy, climate change, and the green economy. There is much potential for change in how we live, earn money, and work towards sustainability.
City of Whitehorse Mayor Dan Curtis
Mayor Lee Bodie is very proud that the Carmacks Village Council is such a strong supporter of the collaborative effort put forth by the Yukon government, municipalities and First Nations in developing an overarching strategy on climate change that will benefit both current and future generations.
Village of Carmacks Mayor Lee Bodie
A key element of moving toward a green economy is respect of First Nation knowledge and rights. This is a prerequisite for effective working relationships throughout the territory. We are committed to work together to develop sustainable solutions for our land, water and people.
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Dän nätthe äda Kaaxnox (Chief Steve Smith)
Many Kluane First Nation [KFN] Citizens and other Kluane Lake residents have noticed changes on the land and traditional animal species: melting of glaciers, thawing of ice on the lake in the winter, drying up of rivers and creeks, and fewer moose, caribou and some fish populations. Climate change is greatly impacting the Traditional Territory. Kluane First Nation is pleased to participate in the integrated strategy on climate change, energy and the green economy and welcomes the Yukon government’s new approach to developing this policy.
Kluane First Nation Chief Robert Dickson
Yukon First Nations, municipalities, transboundary Indigenous groups, and the Government of Yukon are working together to develop this new strategy.
Meetings will be held across Yukon during the engagement period. Dates will be posted on
The new strategy will replace both the 2009 Climate Change Action Plan and the 2009 Energy Strategy for Yukon, and will include priorities and actions that align with Yukon’s climate change, energy and economic needs.
The deadline for providing input is Monday, December 17, 2018.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Jennifer Solomon
Communications, Environment
Tara Wheeler
President, Association of Yukon Communities