The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Respectful hunting in Yukon
The Government of Yukon is preparing for the start of hunting season on August 1.
Whitehorse residents to benefit from improved compost facility
Upgrades to City of Whitehorse compost facility will increase organic waste processing and efficiency, protect the local environment and waterways.
Tän Tágà Shro trail at Wolf Creek campground open for use
Tän Tágà Shro “trail (to the) big river” located at Wolf Creek campground is now complete and officially open as a wheelchair accessible interpretive
Ch’ihilii Chìk Habitat Protection Area established
Signing ceremony for new habitat protection area to held May 17 in Old Crow.

Contaminated sites map now available online
A new tool will help Yukoners learn about contaminated sites in the territory.
Helping Yukon industry better manage environmental risks
The Government of Yukon is releasing a revised guide of the Preferred Practices for Works Affecting Yukon Waters as part of Canada Water Week.
Government of Yukon issues response on development in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Government of Yukon requests further analysis on development in ANWR and effects on Porcupine caribou.

Improvements made for 2019 permit hunt authorization lottery
Yukon’s 2019 permit hunt authorization lottery will reflect a number of improvements based on feedback from the public, stakeholders and a third-party
Have your say on a recycling fee for single-use bags
Yukon government wants your thoughts on a surcharge for single-use shopping bags.
Report summarizes 35 years of licensed harvest in Yukon
The Government of Yukon releases a 35-year snapshot of licensed big game harvest.