Have your say on a recycling fee for single-use bags

The Government of Yukon wants to hear from Yukoners about how to apply a recycling surcharge on single-use shopping bags including the surcharge amount, type of bags, potential exemptions, timing and approach for implementation.

A recycling surcharge for single-use bags will help make recycling in Yukon more financially sustainable while encouraging the use of reusable bags.

Feedback can be submitted before April 26, 2019 at engageyukon.ca.

Northern Canadians are among the highest waste producers per capita in the world. We can do better. Reducing waste keeps our environment clean and our communities healthy. Share your thoughts on a surcharge for single-use shopping bags and help keep plastic waste out of our environment and landfills.

Minister of Environment Pauline Frost

The Government of Yukon spends approximately $6 million every year to deal with waste including $3 million on non-refundable items such as plastics. Last fall, all members of the legislature agreed to work towards eliminating single-use plastics, including plastic bags. A surcharge on single-use shopping bags is a simple yet significant way we can reduce waste, improve our recycling system and make it more sustainable.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Quick facts
  • The Government of Yukon has committed, along with federal, provincial and other territorial governments to work towards significant reductions in waste disposal and zero plastic waste in Canada.

  • Previous engagement with Yukoners in 2014 and 2018 showed significant support for reducing single-use shopping bags to keep waste plastic out of the environment and landfills.

  • On October 31, 2018 all members of the Legislative Assembly agreed to work toward eliminating the distribution of single-use plastic, including plastic bags, food and beverage containers, straws, utensils, lids and packaging.

  • Recent engagement by other local organizations like Zero Waste Yukon has shown this is an important topic for Yukoners who want to see action taken.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Erin Loxam
Communications, Environment

Aisha Montgomery
Communications, Community Services

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