Yukoners can now access the contamination history of properties in the territory by viewing a new online map. This information was previously only available to the public on request.
A contaminated site includes the presence of substances such as petroleum hydrocarbons and metals above specific concentrations. While many contaminated locations pose no risk to the public, concerned Yukoners can view details about specific sites on the online map.
The map is based on information the Government of Yukon receives and maintains. Making this information more accessible to Yukoners helps ensure the data is complete. Yukoners can contact the Environmental Protection Branch at 867-667-5683 or envprot@yukon.ca to correct any mistakes or omissions.
This online tool will help increase the health and safety of communities across Yukon, support remediation efforts and help prevent future instances of contamination through greater public awareness. It is an example of our commitment to openly sharing information that is important to Yukoners and making it as accessible as possible.
There are approximately 529 sites recorded by the Government of Yukon on the contaminated sites map. Of these sites 207 are considered contaminated, 151 are unknown and 171 are remediated.
Information that identifies individual property owners has been removed in accordance with the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Living near a site with contamination does not necessarily mean that anyone’s health is at risk. Yukoners concerned about a specific site can contact the Environmental Programs Branch for more information at 867-667-5683 or envprot@gov.yk.ca.
Information about contamination should be shared at the time of a property transaction or when contamination occurs.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Erin Loxam
Communications, Environment