The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Amendments to Territorial Lands and Forest Resources Acts tabled
Proposed amendments to close loopholes and increase fines for violations under the Forestry and Territorial Lands acts were tabled today.
Quartz Mining Act amendments deferred
Results of the public engagement on a proposed amendment to the Quartz Mining Act are available online.
Consultation on Final Recommended Plan for the Peel Watershed begins
The parties working together to complete the Regional Land Use Plan for the Peel Watershed are seeking input on the Final Recommended Plan.
Minister Pillai attends Canadian Council of Forest Ministers’ meeting in Halifax
Canada’s Forest Ministers, including Yukon’s Minister Ranj Pillai, wrap up meetings in Halifax today.
Nomination Period Extended for Dawson Regional Land Use Planning Commission
The Government of Yukon and the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in have agreed to extend the nomination period.
Federal, provincial and territorial Ministers meet to discuss energy and mining
Energy and mines Ministers met to explore additional opportunities for federal, provincial and territorial collaboration.
Personal Use Fuelwood Permits now available online
The new Personal Use Fuelwood e-service allows convenient service for Yukoners who want to get out in the forest quickly.
Dawson Regional Land Use Planning Commission being formed
Yukon and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in governments seek nominees to re-establish the Dawson Regional Land Use Planning Commission.
Zoning Committee to be formed for Shallow Bay area
The Government of Yukon and Ta’an Kwäch’än Council are working towards new zoning regulations in the Shallow Bay area.
Government of Yukon seeking input for Agriculture Policy
The territorial government is updating its agriculture policy and is seeking your input.