Government of Yukon seeking input for Agriculture Policy

The Government of Yukon is seeking public input to update the Yukon Agriculture Policy. Updating the policy will reinforce the territorial government’s commitment to increase Yukon’s ability to be more self-sufficient in food production and support a thriving and prosperous agricultural sector.

A survey is available on that provides information on the 2006 policy and context on issues that are affecting Yukon agriculture today.

Based on feedback received during consultation and public engagement, the Government of Yukon will draft an updated agriculture policy this fall.

An updated agriculture policy will work hand-in-hand with Yukon’s Local Food Strategy to encourage self-sufficiency in food production and promote the availability of local food to all Yukoners. It will also consider First Nation priorities for land use and developing local food production capacity. It is important that the updated policy supports all communities and aspects of the agriculture and local food sectors, including food for people, feed for livestock, food distribution and environmental impacts.

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Ranj Pillai

Quick facts
  • In 1982, the territorial government adopted its first agriculture policy. In 2006, the current Yukon Agriculture Policy was adopted to encourage an agriculture industry that is economically viable, environmentally sustainable and produces high quality and safe food.

  • There are 142 farms reported in Yukon. Hay production has been the largest portion of Yukon’s agriculture industry in terms of the number of farms, acres and revenue. Yukon farms also provide vegetables, preserves, dairy, eggs, honey, jams, meats, fresh produce, sod and bedding plants.

  • The Government of Yukon is accepting input for the updated agriculture policy until June 29, 2018.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Rod Jacob
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

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