Joint news release with Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in
As part of their ongoing commitment to improving collaboration on land use planning initiatives, the Government of Yukon and the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in have agreed to restart the Dawson Regional Land Use Planning process. The Commission will be re-established by the fall of 2018.
Yukoners interested in serving a three-year term on the Commission as a Yukon government representative may submit their applications to the Government of Yukon through the Boards and Committees Secretariat. The Government of Yukon and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in will each nominate three people to be members of the six-person Commission.
The Government of Yukon and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in are working together to establish terms of reference for the Commission.
This government is committed to collaborating with First Nations governments on land use planning. This process is incredibly important in determining how we collectively manage the land, and ensure communities thrive. The Dawson Regional Land Use Planning Commission is an important piece in that process and I encourage interested individuals and industry to participate to ensure their interests and concerns are taken into consideration.
Land use planning is a key tool in balancing environmental stewardship with efforts to strengthen and diversify Yukon’s economy. The Dawson Regional Land Use Plan will help guide sustainable development for this region and I encourage all of those interested to have a say in this important process.
Since we now have clarity from the Supreme Court of Canada regarding land use planning, we’re pleased to be moving forward and working with the Government of Yukon to implement this portion of our Final Agreement. The Council looks forward to our Citizens being involved in creating a land use plan in our traditional territory.
In late 2014, the Government of Yukon, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in and Vuntut Gwitchin Government mutually agreed to suspend the Dawson Land Use Planning process until the Peel Watershed court case was resolved.
The parties agreed to re-engage the land use planning process after there was final resolution in the Peel Watershed court case to provide clarity regarding the planning process under Chapter 11 of the Yukon First Nation Final Agreements.
Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
Wayne Potoroka, Communications
Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in
867-993-7100, extension 108
Sue Thomas
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources