The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Wetlands policy out for final public review
The Government of Yukon is looking for feedback on a final draft of the wetlands policy.
Government of Yukon collaborating with Yukon First Nations to develop new mining legislation
The development of new mining legislation is underway and will consider recommendations made by the independent panel’s Mineral Development Strategy.
Vangorda plateau portion of the Faro mine site to be acquired by Ross River Dena Council’s Dena Nezziddi LP and Broden Mining partnership
An agreement has been reached for the sale of mining claims and leases on the Vangorda plateau to a new First Nation-private partnership.
Government of Yukon increasing its purchases of locally produced food
The Government of Yukon is now able to increase its purchases of locally produced food by contracting a local distributor.
Government of Yukon and First Nations complete forest plan for Whitehorse and Southern Lakes region
The Whitehorse Southern Lakes forest planning region have approved a plan for the region.
Yukoners can now apply for their Good Energy rebates online
Yukoners can now apply for their Good Energy rebates with ease using the new online platform.

Government of Yukon withdraws additional lands from mineral staking in Dawson planning region
The Government of Yukon withdraws additional lands from mineral staking in Dawson planning region following the release of the Dawson Regional Planning Commission’s draft plan.
Government of Yukon and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in congratulate the Dawson Regional Land Use Planning Commission on the release of their draft plan
The Government of Yukon and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in would like to thank the Dawson Regional Land Use Planning Commission for their continued dedication and hard work on the draft plan.
Government of Yukon withdraws lands from mineral staking in Dawson planning region
The Government of Yukon has withdrawn from mineral staking certain areas of high conservation value in the Dawson planning region.

Changes to Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act proposed
Proposed amendments to the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act is part of ongoing work to create new resource roads regulations for Yukon.