Government of Yukon and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in congratulate the Dawson Regional Land Use Planning Commission on the release of their draft plan

Joint news release with Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in.

The Government of Yukon and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in would like to thank the Dawson Regional Land Use Planning Commission for their continued dedication and hard work on the final draft plan that was released publicly today.

The draft plan, known as ‘On the Land We Walk Together‘/ ‘Nän käk ndä tr'ädäl,’ identifies areas where interim withdrawals are recommended to protect key protected and conservation areas within the planning region during the planning process. Additionally, the draft plan identifies potential Integrated Stewardship areas to incorporate sustainable economic activity.

The next step in the Commission’s planning process is to develop a recommended plan. The Commission will engage the public on the draft plan over the summer and early fall of 2021. Anyone with an interest in the Dawson region is encouraged to provide their comments and feedback during the engagement period.

We are very pleased with the progress that has been made towards a Dawson Regional Land Use Plan since the Commission resumed its work in 2019. The release of the draft plan provides an important opportunity for Yukoners to provide feedback on the future of the Dawson region. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, the Commission and the community on developing a sustainable regional plan that balances conservation of the land, water and wildlife, with cultural and economic interests in the region.

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker

The work that has been done by the Dawson Regional Land Use Planning Commission to date is remarkable. Together we are approaching a plan that provides for protection and conservation but recognizes important economic drivers in the region. We encourage all Yukoners to provide their input on the draft plan and we look forward to taking the next steps on this important file together with Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, the Commission and the community.

Minister of Environment Nils Clarke

The draft plan is a significant step towards protecting essential environmental and cultural integrity values within the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in homeland. We commend the Commission for their vision and thoroughness, and look forward to working with the Government of Yukon to manage the Dawson Planning region in accordance with the direction and intent articulated in the draft plan.

Hähké/Chief Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Roberta Joseph

Quick facts
  • The Government of Yukon and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in formed the Dawson Regional Land Use Planning Commission in December 2018 to achieve the objectives of Chapter 11 of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Final Agreement.

  • Including Tombstone Park, the final draft plan identifies 44.7 per cent of the planning area as high conservation value land.

  • The draft plan divides the planning region into 21 Landscape Units, each of which its own management intent.

  • Thirty-nine per cent of the region is designated Special Management Area, for which either interim or permanent mineral withdrawal is recommended.

  • Fifty-five per cent of the region is designated Integrated Stewardship Area, in which industrial development is permitted under specific terms and conditions.

  • Six per cent of the region is comprised of Tombstone Park, for which a Management Plan already exists, and the Dawson Community Planning area, for which a separate planning process is proposed.

  • The draft plan is the starting point for the next step in the Commission’s planning process: to develop a recommended plan. The recommend plan is expected to be complete by 2022.

  • In the summer and early fall 2021, the commission will host community workshops and accept public comments on the draft plan through their community engagement website to help develop the recommended plan.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Government of Yukon

Rachel Veinott-McKeough
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

Erin Loxam
Communications, Environment

Wayne Potoroka
Communications, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in
867-993-7100 ext 108

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