Government of Yukon receives highest grade in Canada in report on fiscal transparency

The Yukon received an "A-" in the C.D. Howe Institute’s annual report on fiscal transparency across Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial governments. This is the highest grade in Canada, with only Alberta receiving the same score.

The report examines the accessibility and reliability of financial documents from Canadian governments. It considers how easily a non-expert can find information, understand content and use the documents to make informed decisions. The 2024 report covers budget documents from 2023–24 and public accounts documents from 2022–23.

Government of Yukon investing in youth mental health and wellness

The Government of Yukon is committed to investing in a healthy Yukon and supporting the mental health and wellbeing of all Yukoners, especially young people. As part of this commitment, the Government of Yukon provides funding for a variety of projects and organizations that promote youth mental health and wellness across the territory.

Government of Yukon receives report on enhancing the territory’s Arctic security

Earlier this year, the Government of Yukon established the Yukon Arctic Security Advisory Council to provide advice on future risks and opportunities for the territory. Today, the Yukon Arctic Security Council provided the Government of Yukon its final report.

The report improves the Government of Yukon’s understanding of the context and the needs of the security space in the Yukon, drawing connections between external security threats and what the Yukon needs to do in order to respond to them.

Government of Yukon provides funding to 19 community projects supporting Yukon youth

The Government of Yukon is dedicated to supporting the vital role of youth in shaping the future of the territory, providing $74,900 in funding to 19 community projects through the Youth Investment Fund.

The Youth Investment Fund provides financial support to short-term projects aimed at youth under 19 years of age, especially those with fewer opportunities to join extracurricular activities, as well as those who may experience discrimination.

This funding supports a range of artistic and recreational activities, such as:

Public feedback sought on proposed fishing regulation amendments for Little Atlin Lake

The Government of Yukon, in collaboration with the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board, invites the public to provide their feedback on proposed changes to the Little Atlin Lake Fishing Regulations.

Little Atlin Lake, in south-central Yukon, experiences high recreational fishing pressure due to its proximity to Whitehorse.

To safeguard the lake trout population in Little Atlin Lake, the Government of Yukon is proposing the following amendments to the fishing regulations for Little Atlin Lake.

Conference Board of Canada forecasts a strong labour market and Yukon economy in two recent reports

The Conference Board of Canada has released two reports highlighting the Yukon’s promising economic and labour market outlook. Overall, the findings indicate that the Yukon’s economy remains strong, with positive indicators across many areas.

The Government of Yukon is building on this momentum by continuing to invest in Yukoners and delivering strong, sustainable fiscal management and addressing affordability concerns.

Statement from Premier Pillai on the Gurpurab of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

"Today, Sikhs in the Yukon and around the world celebrate the 555th Gurpurab of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the 555th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism and the first Sikh Guru.

Government of Yukon is named one of Canada's Top 100 Employers for the 12th consecutive year

The Government of Yukon is proud to announce that it has been recognized as one of Canada's Top 100 Employers for the 12th consecutive year by Mediacorp Canada Inc. The Top 100 recognition celebrates the government's innovative human resource programs and forward-thinking workplace policies.

The selection acknowledges the Government of Yukon’s comprehensive range of employee benefits and incentives, including:

Government of Yukon ensures continued access to essential services during postal service disruption

In response to the Canada Post labour disruption announced today, the Government of Yukon has established steps to ensure Yukoners and businesses maintain access to essential cheques and payments. Individuals receiving government payments by direct deposit will remain unaffected and will continue to receive funds as usual. Communities will continue to receive essential mail through their community post office.

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