Regulating air emissions from commercial and institutional biomass burning systems

This engagement is now closed.

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Where can I find results?

A summary of feedback received will be available in a What We Heard report. 

What was this engagement about? 

The Government of Yukon is proposing changes to the Air Emissions Regulations to:

  • require owners and operators of commercial and institutional biomass burning systems to obtain an air emissions permit under Schedule 1;
  • define commercial and institutional biomass burning systems; and
  • define a biomass burning system.

The Government of Yukon invited feedback on the proposed amendments to the Air Emissions Regulations as summarized in the Regulating air emissions from commercial and institutional biomass burning systems discussion paper

The Government of Yukon committed to regulating air emissions from commercial and institutional biomass burning systems under Our Clean Future: A Yukon’s strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy (action H24). Regulating air emissions from these systems focuses on minimizing the release of harmful particulate matter being released into the air.

The Government of Yukon’s proposed amendments are specific to air emissions from commercial and institutional biomass burning systems operating at greater than 150 kilowatts and do not impact residential wood burning.

The Government of Yukon hosted two information sessions for Yukon First Nations governments, municipal governments and key stakeholder groups to learn more and ask questions before submitting their written feedback. Watch a recording of the session

How will my input make a difference?

We will consider all feedback collected before updating the Air Emissions Regulations. Through the discussion document, we are gathering input on:

  • Defining commercial and institutional biomass burning systems as over 150 kilowatts of heat output.
  • Permitting considerations.
  • Existing biomass burning systems.
  • Future commercial and institutional biomass burning systems.
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