The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
COVID-19 supports for Yukon businesses continue
The Government of Yukon is extending several COVID-19 economic programs and increasing funding for key tourism initiatives.

Preliminary creative and cultural industries strategy out for public review
Feedback being sought on Creative Potential: Advancing Yukon’s Creative Economy until February 5.
The life of Zhùr: a mummified ice age wolf pup from the Klondike
Today at 1 p.m. the Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre Facebook page will be hosting the panel discussion on the life of Zhùr, a mummified ice age wolf pup from the Klondike.

COVID-19 relief and recovery plan for Yukon tourism sector released
Three-year $15 million Tourism Relief and Recovery Plan to provide stability, support and guidance for Yukon’s hard hit tourism sector.

Government of Yukon announces latest arts funding recipients
The Government of Yukon announces recipients of enhanced arts funding programs.
Additional relief funding available for tourism sector and non-profit organizations
Relief programs for non-accommodation tourism businesses and non-profit organizations to start soon.
Funding doubled for annual call for submissions to Yukon Permanent Art Collection
The Government of Yukon announces enhanced call for submissions to Yukon Permanent Art Collection.
New funding package announced for tourism industry hard hit by COVID-19
Tourism Accommodation Sector Supplement announced today as part of a larger, multi-year funding package for the tourism industry.
Locally-produced film about Yukon’s Beringian history debuts
A new, made-in-Yukon film will educate Yukoners and visitors about Yukon’s ancient Beringian history.

Funding for Advanced Artist Award doubled
The Government of Yukon announces doubled funding for fall intake of Advanced Artist Award.