Government of Yukon announces latest arts funding recipients

The Government of Yukon is pleased to announce the latest recipients of $321,229 in funding through its Arts Fund, Advanced Artist Award and On Yukon Time programs.

The Arts Fund supports groups that foster artistic development and engage the public. This intake of Arts Fund, $96,600 was awarded to six Yukon organizations for a variety of performances, displays and community arts programs. Recipients include the Yukon First Nations Culture and Tourism Association, Gwaandak Theatre Society and the Longest Night Society.

This latest intake of the Advanced Artist Award, available funding was doubled to $150,000. Twenty-five Yukon artists received support in the mediums of sculpture, carving, illustration, music, dance, writing and more. Funded by Lotteries Yukon, the Advanced Artist Award supports artistic development for established artists with a substantial body of publicly exhibited work.

Adapted to include and address pandemic-related pressures and expressions, this intake of the On Yukon Time program awarded a total of $74,629 to 20 recipients ranging from musicians, illustrators, ceramicists and others.

Details for the projects and beneficiaries are listed in the related information links below.

The Government of Yukon is proud to provide support to these amazing Yukon artists and community arts organizations. We thank them for their contributions and continued resilience through the challenging circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our diverse and vibrant arts sector plays an essential role in Yukoner’s lives and in the health and well-being of our communities. I look forward to seeing their creative work.

Minister of Department Tourism and Culture Jeanie McLean

Quick facts
  • Beginning in spring, these three funding streams were enhanced with additional funds, expanded eligibility and extra intake dates to help offset the effects of COVID-19 across the arts sector. To date, the Government of Yukon has provided $425,000 in additional arts funding to help mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on this important sector.

  • The Arts Fund was increased to $625,000 total with an additional April intake for $125,000.

  • The Advanced Artist Award was increased to $75,000 for both the fall and spring intakes, making available an additional $150,000 to support artists in enhancing their artistic development.

  • The On Yukon Time fund was increased to $75,000 for both the fall and spring intakes, making available an additional $150,000 in funding. The program was also adapted to focus on interpretations and responses to the pandemic, with creative expressions highlighting the importance of community, and the celebration of ingenuity in the face of adversity.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Cameron Webber
Communications, Tourism and Culture

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