The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Four projects awarded Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust funds
Four community-led projects focused on crime prevention and services for victims of crime received $170,968 through the Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust for the fall 2022
Yukon First Nations Artwork and Land Acknowledgment Unveiled at Andrew A. Philipsen Law Courts Building
The Government of Yukon and CYFN unveil Indigenous artwork and land acknowledgement together at Andrew A. Philipsen Law Courts Building.
Amendments to the Legal Profession Act and the Technical Amendments Act receive assent in the Yukon Legislative Assembly
Amendments to the Legal Profession Act, 2017 and the Technical Amendments Act (2022) receive assent.
Technical Amendments Act tabled
The Technical Amendments Act, 2022 proposes amendments to three laws.
Amendments to Legal Profession Act, 2017 tabled
The Government of Yukon tabled amendments to the Legal Profession Act, 2017 today.
Statement from Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee on a serious incident involving the RCMP
The Yukon’s Minister of Justice issues a statement following a serious incident on September 28, 2022.
New regulations for the Condominium Act, 2015 come into force on October 1
New condominium legislation comes into force on October 1, 2022.
Statement on the one-year anniversary of the Supervised Consumption Site
Today, marks the one-year anniversary of the opening of the Yukon’s first Supervised Consumption Site.
Fourteen community crime prevention and victim service projects awarded funding
Fourteen Yukon community projects that aim to address crime provide services to victims have been awarded funding.
New Judge appointed to the Yukon’s Territorial Court
Minister McPhee appoints John Phelps as Judge of the Yukon’s Territorial Court