Fourteen community crime prevention and victim service projects awarded funding

Fourteen community-led projects focused on crime prevention and services for victims of crime received $93,436 for the fall 2021 intake and $334,175 for the spring 2022 intake, through the Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust (CPVST).

The fall 2021 and spring 2022 funding intakes received applications from a broad range of organizations and funded projects will be delivered in several Yukon communities across the territory.

Projects for the fall 2021 intake included:

  • emergency boarding for pets of owners fleeing domestic violence;
  • support for talking circles; trades and tech skills after school and weekend programs for youth;
  • a program that assists women to build confidence and self-awareness through workshops and on-the-land learning experiences; and
  • a workshop series geared towards youth on consent, safer partying and harm reduction. 

Projects for the spring 2022 intake included:

  • projects aimed at coaching and mentoring youth;
  • a project working to end violence against women and children;
  • a healing camp for youth; an artistic opportunity for rural First Nation youth;
  • a showcase to promote inclusion and understanding of those living with intellectual disabilities;
  • a musical production that explores violence against women;
  • a canoe carving project intended to provide constructive programming and cultural skills for at-risk youth; and
  • a performance tour designed to inform youth of their rights and protections relating to workplace sexual harassment.

The next application deadline is August 16, 2022.

Community-based projects that focus on helping prevent crime and supporting victims play a very important role in building safer, more inclusive communities. This funding to programs provided through the Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust will help give youth, women and girls, First Nations people and all Yukoners access to new supports and services that will ultimately strengthen our communities across the territory.

Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee

As a Board of Trustees, we would like to thank all the applicants for their commitment to developing high quality, innovative projects across the Yukon that take action on issues of victimization and crime. We are proud to continue supporting local solutions and are inspired by these uplifting initiatives in our communities. We encourage all communities to consider local solutions for emerging issues and to apply for new projects this fall.

Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Board of Trustees chair Lareina Twardochleb

Quick facts
  • The recipients of the fall 2021 funding are Carcross Tagish First Nation, Humane Society Yukon, Industrial Arts & Technology Society of Yukon, Skookum Jim Friendship Centre and the Village of Carmacks.

  • The recipients of the spring 2022 funding are BYTE – Empowering Youth Society, Liard Aboriginal Women’s Society, Boys and Girls Club Yukon, Yukon First Nation Culture & Tourism Association, Teegatha 'Oh Zheh, Larrikin Entertainment Ensemble, Northern Culture Expressions Society and Gwandaak Theater Society.

  • The Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust provides funding twice a year to projects that are intended to reduce crime, prevent gender-based violence, prevent violence against women and children, address the root causes of crime, and provide services and information for victims of crime or provide information about crime prevention and victimization.

  • Funding applications are accepted from First Nation and municipal governments, non-profit organizations and school councils or boards. Eligible costs may include wages or honoraria, promotional materials and printing, as well as materials or rental costs.

  • The Trust has supported Yukon community groups since 1998. Proposals are reviewed by the Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Board of Trustees, which includes community members and representatives from the Government of Yukon, First Nations governments, women’s organizations and the RCMP.


Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust fall 2021 recipients
Carcross Tagish First Nation – Community Justice Talking Circles was awarded $14,498 for their Health and Wellness Department to host talking circles related to justice, crime prevention and victim support. These circles are for discussions surrounding a topic of interest in a safe environment where people can share and learn from each other in a non-judgmental way that emphasizes respect and connection – rather than focusing on a specific conflict or harm. 

Humane Society Yukon – Emergency Boarding for Victims of Domestic Violence was awarded $11,867 for providing safe emergency boarding for pet owners who are fleeing violence, and have no interim place for the pet(s), or where an animal is being abused or used as leverage in an environment with domestic violence.

Industrial Arts & Technology Society – After-School/Weekend Trades and Tech Skill Program was awarded $35,748 for their project, which focuses on collaboration with the Robert Service School throughout the school year and into the summer, as well as community mentors/resources/industry professionals to deliver after-school and weekend trades and technology programming to students.

Skookum Jim Friendship Centre – Women of Wisdom was awarded $27,283 to assist in their efforts to help women leave isolated circumstances, and to build self-confidence and self-awareness from within by offering drop-in sewing workshops and an on-the-land camp at Annie Lake.  

Village of Carmacks – Carmacks Tries It! Program Series was awarded $4,040 so they could bring BYTE – Empowering Youth to Carmacks youth and present a series of workshop - Exploring Consent and Safer Partying & Harm Reduction.

Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust spring 2022 recipients
BYTE - Empowering Youth Society – Grey Mountain Dream Trail - Trail Crew was awarded $43,280 to provide summer work experiences for local youth – coaching and mentoring youth with barriers to employment and giving them an opportunity to develop work-related life skills, social skills and improve their self-esteem while learning basic construction skills. 

BYTE - Empowering Youth Society – 10th Annual Leadership in Training Conference was awarded $27,600 to host their three-day Leaders in Training gathering on the land, an event that was created as a space for youth from rural communities to develop confidence, leadership skills, and build relationships with other young leaders from across the North. 

Liard Aboriginal Women’s Society – Language, Violence & Responsibility was awarded $40,850 for a program to put an end to violence against women and children and to bring awareness to domestic violence and prevention – they will host a domestic awareness camp in a safe and managed environment, while bringing in professionals who are experienced in their fields. 

Boys and Girls Club Yukon – Long Lake Healing Camp was awarded $20,795 to host a free Healing Camp for youth in trauma or directly affected by the current opioid state of emergency – their intention is to strengthen youth within the community to help themselves, support their peers and prevent negative events. 

YK First Nation Culture & Tourism Association (YKFNCTA) – YFN 2022 – Leading with Culture; Production, Community Tour Phase (2022-2023) was awarded $25,000 for part two (performance phase) of a two-part project – an inspiring performance by and about Yukon First Nations people today.  They were funded in Spring 2021 (creation phase).  YKFNCTA will reach out Yukon-wide to individuals who may be vulnerable to becoming involved in the criminal justice system and provide them with an opportunity to work in the arts. The goal is to address and reduce risk factors for individuals, their families and communities, to decrease the chances of criminal acts and/or victimization.

Teegatha 'Oh Zheh – What’s in your suitcase? was awarded $26,500 to work with Yukoners living with an intellectual disability to develop a multimedia community presentation that informs the community about the depth of living with intellectual disability and the content will come from the personal story that each participant creates. 

Larrikin Entertainment Ensemble – Production of Blocked, a Musical about Domestic Abuse (Phase Three) was awarded $35,000 for Phase Three of Blocked! - a full length, professionally-staged production/musical that responds to and explores themes of domestic abuse and systemic misogyny. Phases One and Two were the development stages of this production and Phase Three is the performance itself. 

Northern Cultural Expressions Society – Bringing Back the Light; Healing Dugout Canoe Project was awarded $53,062 for a 20-week dugout canoe carving project called “Bringing back the Light”. It is intended to provide local youth with paid opportunities to learn the carving processes and practices, constructive programming and access to wellness supports, connect them with their culture and keep youth distanced from high-risk situations. 

Gwaandak Theatre Society – Youth Tour Pilot, Outreach, and Tour was awarded $62,088 to teach youth in the workplace, who are often under-informed on their rights, protections, and the legislation that governs them, about sexual harassment in the workplace.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Jasmine Doll
Communications, Justice 

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