The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
New Missing Persons Act comes into force in the Yukon
The Missing Persons Act came into force today. The Act balances personal privacy and the RCMP’s access to information needed to quickly find a missing person.
Government of Yukon proposes legislation to clarify fiduciary access to digital assets
Fiduciary access to digital assets clarified under new Fiduciaries Access to Digital Assets Act.
Amendments to the Victims of Crime Act tabled
Victim records could be protected from access to information requests if amendments to the Victims of Crime Act are passed.
Statement from Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee regarding the death of RCMP Constable Rick O’Brien
Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee issues a statement on the death of British Columbia RCMP Constable Rick O’Brien.
Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust funds eight community projects
Over $340K awarded to eight #Yukon community initiatives through Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust, now accepting applications for Fall 2023.
Government of Yukon and Teslin Tlingit Council mark agreement to improve community safety
Government of Yukon and Teslin Tlingit Council sign new agreement to improve community safety.

Statement from Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee on RCMP’s 150th Anniversary
The Government of Yukon recognizes the RCMP for 150 years of service to Canadians.
Engagement begins on expansion of Sexualized Assault Response Team services for Yukon communities
Contractors will gather input from Yukon First Nation governments, stakeholders, service providers and sexualized assault victims.
Government of Yukon tables bill to update references to Sovereign of Canada in legislation
The References to the Sovereign Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 amends the Yukon’s legislation to reflect the identity of the current Sovereign of Canada.
The Government of Yukon and Connective to operate supervised community housing program for women in partnership with the Council of Yukon First Nations
The Government of Yukon and Connective announce the opening of a supervised community housing and services for women who are justice-involved — the first of its kind in the North.