On June 1, the Government of Yukon and the Teslin Tlingit Council held an event to commemorate the signing of a cooperation agreement between Teslin Tlingit Council and the Government of Yukon, which provides the community with additional supports through the work of the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods (SCAN) Unit.
This agreement comes by way of a resolution passed by Teslin Tlingit Council’s General Council, which issued a state of emergency in January 2022 in response to the opioid crisis within the Teslin Tlingit community. In part, the resolution identified a need for increased monitoring and tools to improve public safety and protect Teslin Tlingit Council’s vulnerable population.
The agreement provides the community of Teslin with an additional way to respond to the Substance Use Health Emergency. Through the application of the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act, the community will have access to additional supports to improve public safety, provide assistance to citizens who need it and investigate complaints of specified illegal activities on Teslin Tlingit properties and Teslin Tlingit Council Settlement Lands.
Teslin Tlingit Council, in partnership with the SCAN Unit, will work in conjunction with health-related programs and services that are provided for citizens and the community.
The agreement recognizes the importance of working in collaboration to achieve and promote improved public safety and protect vulnerable populations within the Teslin Tlingit community.
Our government is committed to making communities safe and healthy places where all Yukoners can thrive. Thank you to the Teslin Tlingit Council, the Village of Teslin, the RCMP, and our justice and health supports for working together to improve public safety and to protect Teslin Tlingit citizens, their families and the community.
Our collective goal is to address the habitual illegal activity that negatively affects our community safety and community well-being. Teslin Tlingit Council (TTC) recognizes working collaboratively with the SCAN Unit will improve public safety and provide a list of contacts where complaints and concerns can be brought forward. With the support of our TTC Community Safety Division, RCMP, Village of Teslin, and our members of Teslin Tlingit Council, our goal is to have Teslin be a place where our citizens and community feel safe in knowing that the Cooperation Agreement we have established with the Yukon Government SCAN Unit is a positive step forward for a stronger and healthier community.
The SCAN Unit is a confidential and complaint-driven law enforcement agency within the Department of Justice. Investigations begin after receiving a complaint.
The SCAN Unit has protocols in place with 10 Yukon First Nations governments. Where appropriate, the SCAN Unit can engage with the First Nation’s Community Safety Officers, as outlined in the agreement.
The SCAN Unit investigates specified illegal activities, including drug trafficking, bootlegging, activities related to prostitution, organized crime, firearms trafficking, and the sexualized abuse or exploitation of a child.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Jasmine Doll
Communications, Department of Justice