The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Yukoners and community groups receive Community Safety Awards
Yukoners going above and beyond to make our communities safer places to live were recognized by the Minister of Justice.
Government of Yukon announces $241,000 in new legal aid funding
Additional funding support will be provided to the Yukon Legal Services Society for the 2018–2019 fiscal year.
Yukon moving to digital land title registry
Yukon is getting a new digital land titles registry through a 20-year contract with Regina-based Information Services Corporation.
Sheldon Kennedy speaks at symposium focused on youth and sexualized violence
The two-day symposium highlighted how to best support children, youth and families who are impacted by sexualized abuse.
Community Wellness Court receives permanent funding
The highly successful Community Wellness Court and its affiliated Justice Wellness Centre are receiving permanent funding, effective April 1.
Government of Yukon tables Cannabis Control and Regulation Act
Yukon’s new Act will provide for legal, controlled access to cannabis with the goal of displacing illegal activity.
Government of Yukon tables a new Technical Amendments Act
The Technical Amendments Act Bill is an omnibus bill that proposes amendments to five laws, including condominium law and the Motor Vehicles Act.
New RCMP Historical Case Unit being created
The RCMP is creating a team of investigators to advance historical homicide and missing persons cases in the territory.
Minister of Justice calls for nominations for Community Safety Awards
Community Safety Awards recognize Yukoners who have made a difference in the lives of others.
Minister of Justice has agreed to an extension of Whitehorse Correctional Centre inspection
Date for Whitehorse Correctional Center final inspection report and recommendations extended.