The Government of Yukon tabled Bill No. 16 today, which includes amendments to five different Acts for which the Minister of Justice is responsible: Condominium Act, 2015; Judicature Act; Lord’s Day Act; Motor Vehicles Act; and Supreme Court Act.
The Technical Amendments Act, 2018 is designed to address and correct issues that have been identified as being unclear or problematic in current legislation. It also coordinates territorial legislation with recent federal legislative changes and fixes inconsistencies and omissions in Yukon laws.
Proposed changes to the Condominium Act, 2015 will clarify definitions; facilitate the provision of information to consumers; clarify the ability for condominium boards to place limitations on renting or leasing condominiums; and make it possible for the Registrar of Land Titles to amend condominium forms without requiring a regulation, making it consistent with how forms are dealt with under the Land Titles Act, 2015.
The proposed amendment to the Motor Vehicles Act provides clarity that the speed limit of 50km/h applies to every highway in the territory – unless otherwise posted pursuant to a government regulation or municipal bylaw.
The Bill would also ensure Yukon legislation reflects a recent amendment by the Government of Canada to change the title of the Senior Judge of the Supreme Court of Yukon to Chief Justice, and cleans up outdated legislation.
This Bill addresses a number of outstanding issues in current legislation to ensure that our laws remain clear, consistent and effective.
Since the Condominium Act, 2015 was passed by the Yukon Legislature, an advisory group of stakeholders has been working with the Government of Yukon to prepare comprehensive regulations to accompany the Act when it is proclaimed into force. The final package of regulations is expected to be ready for public engagement before the fall of 2018.
The existing Motor Vehicle Act dates back to 1977. Regular review and amendments are necessary for the safety and security of Yukoners.
The Government of Canada is responsible for appointing superior court judges in all the provinces and territories. The federal Judges Act sets out the qualifications for appointment to a superior court.
The Judicature Act amendment will fix a drafting error that unintentionally prevented corporations incorporated in another jurisdiction from holding property in joint tenancy.
The territorial Lord’s Day Act is being repealed. The federal Lord's Day Act was repealed in 1985 after being declared unconstitutional.
Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
Catherine Young
Communications, Justice