The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Statement from Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Ranade on back to school and early learning
The Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health issues a statement on back to school and early learning.
Statement from Chief Medical Officer of Health on monkeypox risk factors in the Yukon and the territory’s response
The Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health provides a statement on monkeypox risk factors in the territory.
Council of Yukon First Nations, Indigenous Services Canada and Government of Yukon working together to address menstrual equity in Yukon
The Government of Canada, Council of Yukon First Nations and Government of Yukon are working together to address menstrual equity in the Yukon.
Statement from Chief Medical Officer of Health on the Yukon’s first case of monkeypox
The Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health confirms the Yukon’s first monkeypox case.
New hours of service at the COVID-19 Testing and Assessment Centre
COVID-19 Testing and Assessment Centre’s hours have changed. As of July 24, CTAC will be open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4pm; Saturday 8:30 am to 12 pm; and closed Sunday.
Yukon Senior Income Supplement (YSIS) payments delayed
The Government of Yukon is working to resolve delays in Yukon Senior Income Supplement payments.
COVID-19 vaccines approved for children over the age of six months
Safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines for children between the ages of six months and five years will soon be available in the Yukon.
Update on COVID-19 in the Yukon
The Government of Yukon is taking steps to update the territory’s response to COVID-19.
Second COVID-19 booster eligibility extended to Yukoners 18 years of age and older
Second COVID-19 boosters are available to Yukoners who are 18 years of age and older.
The Yukon’s first midwifery clinic opens tomorrow
The Yukon Midwifery Program will start seeing clients in the newly opened clinic tomorrow.