Second COVID-19 booster eligibility extended to Yukoners 18 years of age and older

The Government of Yukon is expanding the eligibility for second boosters to Yukoners who are 18 years of age and older based on the latest recommendation from the Chief Medical Officer of Health.

To be eligible for a second booster dose, six months must have passed since your first booster. For people who have recently had COVID-19, a second booster is not recommended until at least three months have passed since COVID-19 symptoms started or testing positive for the virus.

Yukoners ages 18 and over can book their second booster appointment today and appointments will start July 13. Whitehorse residents can book their appointment on and people living in rural Yukon can get their second booster during ongoing community clinics.

For more information visit 

Keeping up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations helps protect you, your loved ones and your community. Over the past few months, we have been able reduce public health measures and return to a near-normal because Yukoners stepped up to take their shots. I encourage Yukoners who are 18 and older to book their second booster appointments today.

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee

Vaccines offer the strongest protection against severe outcomes from COVID-19. Getting a booster when you are eligible is important to ensure robust immunity, especially among people who may have higher risks for severe disease. I encourage all Yukoners to stay up to date on their vaccinations.

Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Sudit Ranade

Quick facts
  • Appointments are available online for Whitehorse residents and will begin on July 13. Make an appointment online or by calling 1-877-374-0425.

  • For residents in most rural communities, clinics are being planned and second boosters will be available at the next community clinic.

  • Check for clinic dates and times.

Media contact

Jacob Wilson
Cabinet Communications

Samantha Henney
Communications, Health and Social Services

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