The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
2019-20 Budget meets housing, health and education needs of a growing territory
The 2019-20 Budget focuses on affordable housing, effective health and social services, quality education, and reliable community infrastructure.
Fiscal and Economic Outlook points to strong economy, historically low unemployment and economic growth
The annual Fiscal and Economic Outlook describes a robust economy supported by historically low unemployment rates, strong retail sales, a thriving co
Special warrant issued for infrastructure and land development spending
The Government of Yukon has issued a special warrant to meet demand for infrastructure and land development projects across the territory.
Proposed framework for Government of Yukon carbon price rebate announced
Yukon’s carbon pricing rebate will encourage investment in clean technology and ensure that Yukon remains competitive.
2017–18 Public Accounts reveal $18.7 million surplus
The Government of Yukon’s non-consolidated public accounts for the 2017–18 fiscal year show an $18.7 million surplus.
Supplementary Estimates highlight benefits of improved government forecasting
Premier and Minister of Finance Sandy Silver tabled the 2018–19 First Supplementary Estimates in the Legislative Assembly.
Premier Sandy Silver delivers 2018–19 budget that includes five-year capital plan
2018–19 budget aims to put government's finances on a more sustainable path featuring a five-year capital plan.
A statement from Premier Sandy Silver on the 2018 federal budget
Premier Sandy Silver responds to the 2018 federal budget.