A statement from Premier Sandy Silver on the 2018 federal budget

I am pleased to see the federal government continue with its commitment to northern communities. Recognizing the unique challenges we face helps unify the North, brings more benefits to Yukon and strengthens Canada as a whole.

The federal budget includes a commitment to renew Territorial Formula Financing (TFF) beginning April, 1 2019. We were happy that the federal government listened to our concerns and included an additional $1.3 million annually for transition payments to Yukon.

This government is also pleased to see that the federal government has listened to concerns about the tax changes it proposed last year, and made changes to treat small business owners more fairly.

The federal government confirmed that the backstop for carbon pricing (which will apply in Yukon) will be implemented on January 1, 2019. This means carbon pricing will not apply in Yukon until that time.

The federal government continues to recognize the importance of First Nation partnerships. Funding in this budget should enhance capacity-building in Yukon First Nation communities with support for Indigenous institutions, health, infrastructure, research and governance. We look forward to learning more about how this funding will be allocated.

This is also the first federal budget requiring gender-based analysis to support all budget decisions. Canada has further supported their commitment to innovation and creating opportunities for more women to enter trades and technology with an additional $400 million for regional development agencies.

The Government of Yukon welcomes the extension of core funding of $20 million per year for the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor). This funding will ensure the continuation of strong partnerships in developing the northern economy.

We support the extension of the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit for an additional year. This will assist junior exploration companies in raising capital to finance mineral exploration.

With National Parks in Yukon attracting visitors annually, our tourism sector is well-positioned to take advantage of increased visitation.

The creation of a $1 billion Nature Fund will help Yukon to protect our natural legacy. This funding will support territorial species protection and build Indigenous capacity to conserve our land and species.

We look forward to working with the federal government on these important initiatives to build a vibrant Yukon for all residents.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications


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